What do you call a cat does it take to screw in a light bulb?
They could worry the banana.
…. Confused? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
What you just read is a “joke” written by artificial intelligence a few years ago, and as you can see, it’s anything but funny.
For the last few years, it has seemed like “artificial intelligence” powers every new product, though if you ask me, it hasn’t actually helped very much – until now.
Let’s try that again, but with a joke written by a new, innovative, and surprisingly useful AI – ChatGPT.
Two AI’s are sitting at the bar enjoying a drink, and one says to the other, “Do you think we’ll ever pass the Turing test?”
The other AI says, “I don’t know, but at least we can hold a conversation in a bar without anyone suspecting we’re not human.”
Now, while that joke is a little topical, it’s definitely hilarious to anyone interested in artificial intelligence, and more importantly – it clearly makes sense.
A new workshop from Cindy Donovan shows how you can use this proven-effective, artificial intelligence-powered ChatGPT tool, to create unlimited amounts of unique, customized, and industry-specific marketing materials. Oh, and did I mention it’s free to use?
You can sign up for the workshop right now, by visiting https://muncheye.com/cindy-donovan-ai-elevation-funnel-method
The term “AI-powered” can mean different things in different industries, and often suggests you may see a slight improvement in efficiency, ease of use, or productivity.
At least that’s what it used to mean.
With this new marketing technique, artificial intelligence is used to create a complete “done-for-you” solution, requiring only a few keywords to generate sales copy, blog articles, or social media posts.
Though artificial intelligence tools have been in use for many years, the newest generation of natural language AI has significant improvements that have led to it being called “the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the public.” Using new training techniques, these tools can now generate unlimited amounts of content that appear to be written by professional marketing teams, and all you have to do is give it a topic.
While the latest improvements have simplified the marketing process, the upcoming live workshop offers several additional tools that are useful for any business niche, that you don’t want to miss out on.
By attending, you will get instant access to a new e-book about the AI marketing method, as well as copy-and-paste prompts for generating new content, and access to an active community of over 8,000 professional marketers.
With the latest advances included in the ChatGPT tool, you can create nearly any type of marketing materials, from video scripts and headlines to case studies and complete e-books. There are no technical skills or experience required, the workshop will guide you through the entire process.
The live online workshop starts at 8 PM ET/NY on January 12th and covers everything you need to know in approximately two hours. If you cannot attend, you should still consider enrolling, so you can access a replay of the workshop after it has been completed.
It’s only $5 and 2 hours of your time to learn how to use the most powerful AI marketing tool available today – and you can get more than $5 worth of value and 2 hours’ worth of time just by creating a single blog article for your online store.
You’re not limited to a single article though – you can create as many as you want, in any style, on any topic, with no additional costs.
Visit https://letsgolook.at/AIElevationFunnelMethod to sign up for the live workshop, and take your marketing to the next level.
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